Friday, May 18, 2012

Do I? Or, Don't I?

I know I need to register for the Disney Marathon, but something keeps holding me back... 


What if I can't do it? 

26.2 miles is a really long way to run. 

What if I can't make myself train?

I'm just too tired to train... another day.

If I sign up, I have to do it. Otherwise I look like a fool to my family and friends.

I'm afraid. 

Anyone else ever been afraid to commit to something, even though you really want to do it? How did you get over your fear? 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Beginning

Years ago (2007), I found myself overweight and looking for something to get me back to exercising. On a whim, I started running on the treadmill at the Y, and found that I really enjoyed pushing myself to go a little farther and a little faster everyday. I ran my first 5K that Thanksgiving, and I was hooked. The running 'bug' was awake in me.

After that first 5K, I decided I needed something to push me and keep me committed over the winter, so I registered for the Indianapolis Half Marathon in May, 2008. I worked hard that winter, and I finished the race 4 minutes faster than my goal time.

At that time, I was so convinced that my desire to run would continue, that I allowed myself to take a couple of weeks off to allow my body to heal. Truth be told, I wrecked my body in training for the half marathon by adding mileage too fast. When I ran my half marathon, I ran with shin splints, plantar fascitis, and a sprained ankle that wasn't fully healed. I finished out of sheer determination, but I knew that my body needed a break after I finished.

I took some time off, and then I started running again.

I ran a couple more 5Ks, but it just wasn't the same. I didn't enjoy running as much, and I never really got back into the same shape I was when I trained for my half marathon. It was frustrating, and the more frustrated I grew, the less likely I was to actually train. So, I quit.

It's been 2.5 years since I ran my last 5K, and I really do miss it. I miss the adrenaline, I miss the competition, and I miss the feeling of invincibility I had when I was training for my half marathon.

More than that, though, I miss feeling like I could actually complete one of my greatest bucket list items.

Finish a marathon.

Yep, this overweight, lazy, stressed girl has always wanted to finish a marathon at some point in her lifetime.

I suppose that's kind of impossible to do unless I start training.

So, I decided that it's time to do it.

I found a marathon in Orlando, Florida in January of 2013. That's 8 months away, so I have plenty of time to start training.

I plan to take it slow this time around. I am going to start at a reasonable distance and s-l-o-w-l-y build from there. I won't injure myself this time around. And, I will finish my marathon.

Anyway, this is the story of how I crossed one off my bucket list.